Becca & David Gained an Approach That Has Changed Their Lives Forever!

Jul 27, 2022

“Dysfunctional.” That’s how Becca and David described their home when they first came to us. There was constant screaming and arguing, boundaries were blurred, and in their own words, “we were flying by the seat of our pants!” Even worse, the negative energy that permeated their home was taking a massive a toll on their marriage and their general emotional health. And all of the traditional parenting methods they tried were JUST MAKING THINGS WORSE!

Upon implementing the powerful methods we teach, Becca and David have totally transformed their home into the positive and loving environment they’ve always wanted. Their whole family dynamic took a huge turnaround, and Becca & David now have having a rock-solid system of disciplined and empowered parenting. Angry outbursts have dramatically reduced, and instead of experiencing so much negativity and stress in their home, they now experience a positive and peaceful energy that has made all the difference in their lives.

Becca and David realized that change needed to start with them. Different than other methods they tried, our program helped them make the inner transformations they needed to make within themselves in order to create positive change for their children. As such, they grew tremendously in being able to deescalate intense interactions with their kids, as well as show up with positive energy and appreciation for every small success that was being shown. As a result, instead of just coming out with merely a set of parenting techniques, they now have a powerful approach that they will take with them for the rest of their lives.

Ready To Transform Your Relationship With Your Challenging Child?

Watch this 15-minute video where I teach you how.

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