Heather & Rob Created a Much More Peaceful and Positive Relationship With Their Daughter!

Jun 28, 2022

When Heather and Rob first came to us, they were having constant explosive interactions with their daughter who was engaging in ongoing school refusal behavior. The tried all types of therapies and medications, but nothing seemed to be working.

Very soon after they entered our program, they started seeing major changes – not only did their daughter start going to school again, but she was THRIVING in school and their relationship with her was much more positive with far fewer escalated interactions between them.  

The most valuable tool in the program for Heather and Rob was the Self-Reset. It was through this practice that they were both able to take the time they needed to regulate their OWN emotions during intense situations with their daughter. This inner work disrupted the negative cycle of interactions and laid the foundation for a much more rich and positive relationship with their daughter!

Ready To Transform Your Relationship With Your Challenging Child?

Watch this 15-minute video where I teach you how.

Watch The Video