Jamie Achieved Tremendous Growth in Becoming More Calm and Grounded During Intense Situations with Her Son!

Apr 06, 2022

"It was intense." That's how Jamie described her situation with her son before working with us. Trauma, panic attacks, and emotionally escalated interactions were all part of the picture that contributed to the difficult and stressful relationship she had with her son. Jamie knew she had to do something different. She knew she had to take the leap of starting her own inner work to be able to make real positive change. 

And that's exactly what we helped her do. Through working with us, Jamie was able achieve tremendous growth in understanding her triggers and building the emotional control to stay calm and grounded during really intense situations with her child. 

This not only led to less outbursts and negative interactions, but she was able to invest much more positive energy when her son was doing well, resulting in a stronger and closer relationship! 

Ready To Transform Your Relationship With Your Challenging Child?

Watch this 15-minute video where I teach you how.

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