Kristi Experienced a Healing Process by Infusing More Positive Connection In Her Relationship With Her Children and Working On Her Own Reactivity Towards Difficult Behaviors!

Apr 06, 2022

When Kristi came to us, she was experiencing severe behavioral problems with her children, including physical and verbal aggression. She joined our mentorship because she needed a "lifeline." 

We helped her create a huge turnaround in her relationship with her children, where she put her primary focus on energizing her children for their successes, while also working on handling her own triggers during their more intense behaviors. 

By the end of our work with Kristi, the physical and verbal aggression was mostly gone, and she created a much stronger and positive relationship with her children.

Ready To Transform Your Relationship With Your Challenging Child?

Watch this 15-minute video where I teach you how.

Watch The Video