Shannon & Jeremy Revolutionized Their Home Environment, Replacing the Daily Chaos with Rich Connection and Kindness

Jun 01, 2022

Shannon and Jeremy came to us because they were experiencing significant behavioral problems with their 5 children. They tried every conventional method in the book, including lengthy time-outs, lecturing, and reward-punishment systems, and NOTHING WAS WORKING. Not only were these traditional methods proving to be ineffective, but they felt they were only making things WORSE.

Very soon into working with us, Shannon and Jeremy saw huge turnarounds in their children’s behaviors. Shannon described the transformation so well: “Instead of spending 90% of their time criticizing and lecturing their kids, they were able to now spend 90% of their time building up their children’s greatness and filling up their buckets with connection.

They were even able to teach these very methods to their children and watch their kids flourish in their kindness and respect towards each other, transforming the whole culture at home!

Ready To Transform Your Relationship With Your Challenging Child?

Watch this 15-minute video where I teach you how.

Watch The Video