I'm Dr. Dovid Levy,

and I help parents transform their relationships with their children so they can have positive and peaceful homes without all the meltdowns, yelling, and power struggles.

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As a child psychologist, I’ve worked with hundreds of parents with challenging children. And despite all of my clinical training and specialized education, years of real-world experience eventually led me to a shocking conclusion…

Most traditional parenting approaches do not work for really difficult kids.

I’ve seen it all too often: Stressed-out, overwhelmed parents who are at their wits end trying to “manage” what feels almost un-manageable. Wanting things to be better but feeling drained by the seemingly non-stop parenting challenges. The defiance…the anger issues…the power struggles. Not to mention the unspoken feelings of guilt, shame or sadness that come from not being able to peacefully connect with your child.

I knew there had to be a better way.

This led me to an approach that goes beyond just rewards, punishments and “fixing behaviors.” A new approach that focuses on  authentic transformation in your relationship with your child.

That changed everything.

Let's be honest, there are a lot of methods out there claiming to promote positive change within children who struggle with strong and often difficult emotions and behaviors.

But—truth be told—these methods often fall flat when it comes to dealing with really challenging children.

Why? Because other methods don’t address what’s at the root of challenging parent-child relationships. Scarier still, sometimes they even make things worse.

It doesn’t have to be this way. And you are not alone.

So, I'm on a mission to teach parents how to bring the best out of their “challenging” children so that—using a proven and powerful approach—they can positively transform their children’s behaviors and finally experience the joy and relief that comes from a happier parent-child relationship.

My Expertise:

Helping parents transform their relationships with their challenging children.

Who I Work With:

Committed parents of very challenging children who are motivated to "do the work" to positively transform their relationship with their kids.

This includes parenting problems around: 

👉🏻 Defiance

👉🏾 Disrespect

👉🏽 Emotional regulation problems

👉🏿 Anger issues

👉🏻 Impulsivity

👉🏾 Physical aggression

👉🏽 Low self-esteem

👉🏿 Anxiety

Find Out More

How To Transform Your Relationship With Your Child and Create a More Positive and Peaceful Home

I've made a free 15-minute video where I'm teaching parents what they need to do to transform their relationships with their challenging children and create the positive and peaceful homes they've always wanted. 

Watch the free 15-minute training where I'll teach you the core elements needed to transform your relationship with your child. 

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